
Jin Chun shares attitude reorganization in | deepen the ideological understanding Enhance the level of rite

Jinchun Stock "ideological and style rectification" since the start of all cadres quickly action, set an example, change ideas, change style, change image, improve ability. Effectively change the style of work, pay close attention to the implementation of work, to achieve the company's high quality development to provide a strong guarantee.

All the cadres of Jinchun Share to achieve the goal of "creating a high political quality, strong professional ability, unity, dedication, good management, innovation, brave responsibility, high-quality cadre team, to strive for the best performance in history, toward the goal of ten billion, to provide a strong organizational guarantee", to "strengthen discipline, rectification style, pure team, improve quality" as the theme, In thinking to have a new improvement, style of work to have a new change, work to have a new improvement, firmly establish a good image of cadres. Cadres to standardize their words and deeds, Daxing dedication of the wind, the wind of practical work, the wind of duty, the morale of all aspects of the drum up, bring up the momentum, to seek the long-term healthy and stable development of the company a chess, catch the chairman of the group decision deployment of a tune, dry ten billion goal of one mind, so that the effect of style of rectification really into the work effect.







  金春股份总经理在思想认识中谈到:“我认为公司搞这次思想作风纪律整顿活动非常必要和及时,通过这样的形式既是提高我个人思想认识,增强个人工作干劲的一种有效方法,又为我们下一步努力工作,树立以企业的事就是自己家得事最有效手段,同时,为保证干部各项工作任务目标的实现奠定了坚实的基础,明确了整顿工作的目标是纠正干部思想作风不正、消除被动应付和纪律涣散、克服享乐主义,从而建设学习型、效能型、法治型、廉政型企业风气,努力塑造廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的新形象。通过《金春股份 2022年思想作风整顿活动》把为什么要开展干部整顿思想作风活动?就是要在思想上形成统一认识,明确讲清楚提倡什么,反对什么,要清除歪风邪气,让务实上进的心态回归企业。与此同时,我们发现有很多干部在积极推进公司的发展和进步,在推进公司管理的变革、改善,不怕得罪人,积极提建议,在推进企业的创新和技术改造,在企业内部默默地弘扬正气,在社会上也能维护企业利益,对这样的干部要支持,要保护、提拔,要赋予更大的权力,让他们来管理企业,绝不能把混日子的干部放在领导岗位上。”



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